• 안녕하세요
    • 인사드려요
    • 소개합니다
    • 우리나라 최초의미로공원
  • 공원을만든이는?
    • 더스틴 교수님이에요
    • 인사 나누실래요?
  • 미로공원의매력
    • 미로공원의 매력
  • 찾아오시려면?
    • 이렇게 오세요
    • 입장요금은요!
  • 우리끼리나눠요
    • 이야기해요
    • 알려드려요
    • 사진을 올려요
    • 미로게임도 해요
    • TV속 김녕미로공원
    • 인스타해요
   김윤아, 현우네 가족과 더스틴 교수님!
 글쓴이 : 김녕미로공원   조회 : 9,339  작성일 : 12-06-10 18:18  

지난 주에 미로공원을 방문한
윤아, 현우네 가족이 더스틴교수님과 함께 찍은 사진을 보내주셨어요.

김녕미로공원에서 가족들이 아주 즐거운 시간을 보냈는데,
특히 현우가 미로 안을 뛰어다니면서 아주 재미있어 했답니다.

사진 보내줘서 고마워요.

다음에 또 미로공원에 놀러 오세요.^^

Dear Dr. Frederic H Dustin.


How are you?

Most of all, thank you for enjoying all beautiful and exciting park.

I'd like to introduce me and my family.

My name is Kwangmin Kim (김광민), and my wife's name is Myunghee Kim (김명희).

I have two children, one daughter and one son.

Her name is Yoona Kim (김윤아) and she is 9 years old.

His name is Hyeonwoo Kim (김현우) and he is 6 years old.

We took our early summer vacation in Jeju last week, and the day when we visited the Maze Park was the first day in our vacation.

I and my family had a very good time in the Kimnyoung Maze Park.

Specially my son was excited and run around the park.

He succeeded twice in rining a bell in the Park.

Thank you for providing a good place to enjoy.

Also it was a great honor for us to take a picture with you, the Founder of the Kimnyoung Maze Park.

I and my family will never forget it.

Thank you.


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